Supported independent living by Nextt

Across Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland and South Australia.

Flexible 24/7 supports

Nextt offers independent living supports in a range of housing solutions for people with disabilities, funded by the NDIS.

While we don’t provide housing directly, we work with specialist disability accommodation (SDA) partners, real estate agents, and other professionals to help find housing solutions that suit you.

Our focus is on providing supported independent living (SIL) services that seamlessly fit with your chosen housing, ensuring you feel supported every step of the way.

Why choose Nextt?


With close to 20 years’ experience, we offer you a proven record of providing personalised support for complex disability and mental health needs. Our team is experienced in supporting independence, no matter what time of day or night.


We understand everyone has different wishes and requirements. That’s why we support a variety of living options, from standard housing to specialist disability accommodation, and own spaces to shared homes. Your preferences around your support team members and potential housemates help shape how we support you.


Your wellbeing and convenience are our top priorities. We listen carefully to what you want and work to create an environment where you can thrive. Your living space should be a reflection of your needs and lifestyle, and we’re here to help that happen.

What is SIL and SDA?

Supported independent living (SIL) is a service funded by the NDIS designed for those who require significant assistance, often around the clock.

For individuals with high and complex needs, we may work with some of Australia’s leading specialist disability accommodation (SDA) providers. SDA involves specially-designed housing supported by NDIS funding, ensuring your home is equipped to meet your specific requirements.

Nextt is regularly adding properties and can search for options for your requirements so contact us to explore more.

Let's get started

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