
Own Motion Inquiry into Aspects of Supported Accommodation

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Commission has recently released a report on the findings of its Own Motion Inquiry into aspects of supported accommodation. The inquiry was conducted to identify areas where improvements can be made to ensure that people with disability are provided with high-quality, safe and respectful supported accommodation.

The inquiry aimed to identify best practices in supported accommodation that can be used to inform the NDIS Commission’s capacity building work with providers and the development of quality standards.

The inquiry found that while there are many examples of high-quality supported accommodation across Australia, there are also areas where improvements are needed. These include:

Lack of choice and control: Many people with disability reported feeling that they did not have enough choice and control over their lives while living in supported accommodation. This includes things like choosing where to live, who to live with, and how to spend their time.

To address this issue, the NDIS Commission recommends that people with disability be given more choice and control over their lives, including where they live, who they live with, and how they spend their time. This can be achieved through the use of person-centred planning and other supports.

Poor quality of accommodation: The inquiry found that some supported accommodation services were not meeting basic standards of safety and cleanliness. This includes issues like inadequate fire safety measures, poor hygiene and maintenance, and inadequate staffing levels.

The NDIS Commission recommends that all supported accommodation services meet basic standards of safety and cleanliness, and that regular inspections be carried out to ensure compliance.

Inadequate support: The inquiry found that some people with disability were not receiving the level of support they needed to live independently and participate fully in their communities. This includes things like access to health care, education and employment support, and social and recreational activities.

The NDIS Commission recommends that people with disability be provided with the level of support they need to live independently and participate fully in their communities. This includes access to health care, education and employment support, and social and recreational activities.

Lack of privacy and dignity: Some people with disability reported feeling that their privacy and dignity were not being respected in supported accommodation. This includes issues like sharing bedrooms and bathrooms with people they do not know well, and staff members entering their rooms without permission.

The NDIS Commission recommends that people with disability be provided with accommodation that respects their privacy and dignity. This includes ensuring that they have their own bedrooms and bathrooms where possible, and that staff members respect their privacy.

Staffing issues: The inquiry found that some supported accommodation services were experiencing staffing issues, including high turnover rates and inadequate training and supervision of staff.

The NDIS Commission recommends that supported accommodation services address staffing issues by providing adequate training and supervision, and by working to improve staff retention rates.


The recommendations made in the report provide a roadmap for addressing these issues and improving the lives of people with disability in Australia.

At Nextt, we follow a robust SIL compatibility matching process to ensure clients have choice and control throughout their SIL journey. Everything from where and how our clients want to live, who they live with, their schedule of support, and their support plan is created in consultation with our clients. We then review their goals based on how they feel about their progress.  We also undertake rigorous safety inspections and follow stringent quality assurance guidelines to make sure that all of our residences offer the highest levels of quality.  We also follow a strategic talent acquisition approach to ensure we can meet staffing demands.

By working together to implement these recommendations, we can create a more inclusive and supportive society for everyone. Please click here for full details on the Inquiry Report.